Thursday, July 22, 2010


I just took a quiz at the Pew Internet & American Life Project website called "What Kind of Tech User are You?"

The result:
"You are a Media have a wide range of online and mobile habits, and you are bound to find or create an information nugget, such as a digital photo, and pass it on. These social exchanges are central to your use of information and communication technology. Cyberspace, as a path to personal productivity or an outlet for creativity, is less important to you."

Yes, I do like to move media around. I love shelving books (too bad it's not part of my job). But, yes, in my experience, cyberspace is not a place for making things; it's a place for making connections.

What about you?


  1. I'm a Digital Collaborator:

    If you are a Digital Collaborator, you use information technology to work with and share your creations with others. You are enthusiastic about how ICTs help you connect with others and confident in your ability to manage digital devices and information. For you, the digital commons can be a camp, a lab, or a theater group – places to gather with others to develop something new.

    Thanks for the link!

  2. I'm a Digital Collaborator, too!
